The house caffee and bistrot rantepao, near by pia's popies hotel toraja
This place is the best place to drink torajan caffee
Picture of caffee lovers and caffeeholic
Second best place to drink caffee in toraja land south sulawesi
Hello coffee lovers.
Whats ap Guys. :))
This time we talk about coffee, but this is very special coffee, toraja coffee.
The coffee has been intoduced by many countries in the globe. For you gus who visit toraja, and the same time dont know the place to drink the best coffee.
The picture above is the adresse where you can drink coffee.
I like to drink coffee, but in toraja, there are only 2 places where you can drink the best coffee ever.
The first 1 is the hous coffee and bistro, belongs to daughter of mr aci, the ancient proprietor of toraja misliana hotel.
The the second best place to drink coffee is in tourism object called kete kesu, its located just near by the entrance. Alangta kete kesu, the taste never lie. Just go there guys if you want to drink the best coffee ever.
Traditional Coffee Drinkers
It can not be denied that many Indonesians still enjoy coffee served in the traditional way. I myself still love to drink coffee tubruk that I make myself or enjoyed in the stalls. Traditional coffee drinkers are spread throughout Indonesia. From Sabang to Merauke even this traditional coffee is presented differently. In Aceh and surrounding areas we are familiar with the famous ulee kareng coffee plus its sanger coffee. In West Sumatra the traditional coffee is not only coffee but also kawa daun which is brewed coffee leaves. In Yogyakarta there are joss coffee is in some other areas of coffee tubruk birth as a routine inherited from generation to generation until today. Instant Coffee Maker Sad but true. Indonesia is one of the coffee producing countries but its people consume the most coffee instantly. Instant coffee was born with the first wave era in which people of that time were crazy about something quick and practical. Nescafe is a pioneer of this era. Until now many instant coffee drinkers in our country who often have the same coffee motivation: fast, delicious, cheap and practical. Well, all back to his taste. But the instant name is definitely not 100% good, right? Especo Espresso Base Italy is the country that gave birth to espresso menus and their friends. In the second wave era, espresso spread widely throughout the world. The echo is growing crazy with the birth of the largest coffee chain from Seattle United States: Starbucks! Until now, espresso, latte, cappuccino, macchiato and friends are among the biggest coffee lovers in our country. The coffee shop is full of people on the table with drinks of this type. Even sangkin the number of lovers, now espresso was able to be made manually with dukuangan coffee machine classmates Rok Presso, Minipresso, Handpresso, Starreso and others. Lovers of Brewing Coffee Manual In the Third Wave Era as it is now certainly the coffee lovers begin to enjoy the kind of coffee that is brewed manually. Manual tools such as Hario V60, Chemex, Kalita, Aeropress, Vietnam Drip to Walkure are the names that contributed to the birth of delicious coffee. This type of coffee drinkers are familiar to various types of single origin and willingly 'bothered' by all brewing rituals. Make them coffee not only about the taste in the sips, but also the birth trip. And in Indonesia alone almost all modern coffee shops provide a manual menu of brew coffee with a wide selection of coffee beans. Lovers of Cold & Sweet Coffee Well, these coffee group lovers are those who enjoy coffee without bitterness. Coffee menus such as coffee blended or frappuccino are a small haven according to them. Every stop by the coffee shop is certainly always ordered a kind of cold and sweet coffee. Nothing is wrong because coffee is ultimately aimed at uniting not divisive. Anyway I also often enjoy this kind of coffee when bitter life can not be rejected. Ha ha ha. By the way are you among the coffee drinkers?