But there is little connection for sure, beecause traveloka is tours and travel licenced by the gorernment.
Who plant the wind will harvest the storm.
This proverbe can be found in many countries in the globe.
Ceo of traveloka didn't do the wrong thing, but small action can bring big impact. Ananda sukarlan has done big mistake by walkout action as a cheap cheap action owing to disrespect of the governor of jakarta Mr Anis Baswedan, ceo of traveloka just did little action as he congratulated sukarlan's action, in this case, ananda sukarlan and ceo of traveloka had the same idea, so in the minds of majority of internetters they all the same, disrespect the champ.
After, the name of tiketextra.com., mykaha.com, and ondeway.com has been searched by many people to replace traveloka.
The fact in Holy Quran we are forbiden to do unfair.
And don't let your hatred agains a people push you to do unjust. Be fair because it is closer to taqwa " qs. Almaida:8
The Impact of Boycott Traveloka Action by internetter.
Thursday, Nov 17th 2017.
Bought to you by voyageindo.
Travel and tour site, Tiketextra.com which provides online ticket booking application, suddenly down. This incident was triggered by the viral in internet fter bloom action boycott and uninstall Traveloka application. "Currently ticketextra.com experiencing system down because the user access is very much abruptly and is currently being done maintenance," reads the notice on the front page of the site. The announcement of downtime ticketextra.com system was seen since Wednesday (15/11) morning, following the circulation of recommendations of several online travel applications and Muslim sites as an alternative or a substitute for traveloka.com in various applications send messages and social media. RELATED NEWS Due to the Canisius Event, Thousands of Uninstall Traveloka Indonesia internetter After the Uninstall Movement, all internet participant "Report As Spam" Traveloka Application As is known, the last few days Traveloka crisis overridden #uninstallTraveloka tagar. The crisis was the aftermath of Ananda Sukarlan's walkout pianist during the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan gave a speech at the 90th anniversary of Canisius College on Saturday (11/11) night. After the action of Ananda, in the social media grew the news that Derianto Kusuma, CEO Traveloka who is also alumnus Kanisius, congratulated Ananda. Although on Tuesday (14/11) and then, Derianto has made a rebuttal through his Public Relations Manager that he did not attend the event, but until this morning Thursday (16/11), boycott and uninstall Traveloka action continues, both in social media and via a messaging app like Whatsapp. Along with the action of traveloka boycott, also viral in social media recommendation of Muslim travel. In addition to Tiketextra.com, the information that the internet participant is also recommended recommends three other online travel applications, such as MyKaha.com, ondewey.com and dry2007.com.