New Head of Indonesia Tour Guide Association Sangtu SUBAGYA
This artcile is too late to be published, but late better than nothing,
The fact inhave ever met Mr Sangtu SUBAGYA in marina cottage of togian island. But we did a little bit exhange the conversation with him.
National meeting of Association of Indonesian Guides took place on 4-6 October 2016 in Lombok. Elected as new chairman of DPP HPI period 2016-2021 is Sangtu Subagya, who previously was chairman of DPD HPI Bali. HPI is an organization of the official tour guide recognized by the government would have a desire to become an organization that developed and developed in line with the development of the world of national tourism. What is the vision, mission and views of HPI chairman on the leadership profession related to national tourism? Check out my talk with the subagya Sangtu follows:
( voyageindo). As Chairman of HPI or ITGA / INDONESIA TOUR GUIDE ASSOCIATION I, how do you view the tourism development profession related to the development of national tourism today?
(Answer). First of all we need to understand that we are tourism workers who are directly involved and become one of the proponents of national tourism development. Speaking of tourism or tourism, there are two important things that can not always have to go hand in hand, namely producers and consumers, employers have labor. In the context of the existence of the tour guide, we must first occupy where our position before going further. We are quite fortunate tourism workers, meaning that if we compare with other tourism workers, we are the only workers who are regulated, there is a regional regulation, while if we try to check other workers do not exist. It means that the significance of the profession of leadership includes a strategic profession in the development of tourism, because it is undeniable that we are workers who are in the vanguard as a profession that provides imaging through the excellent service we provide. I as chairman who was asked by friends of course have mission mandated as stated in AD / ART that is to improve the ability of tour guide friends to be able to give good imaging, that is essentially, as I have told to pack ASDEP that we have , is and will continue to improve the profession in order to build the image.
( Voyageindo ). How well do you think the current professionalism of your friends is, have you met expectations?
(Answer). I as chairman must have to talk about members of HPI which up to now I think there are still many things that must be addressed and done to improve professionalism. Talking of professionalism certainly does not necessarily, it concerns education, training, flying hours and others. We certainly not only talk quantity but also quality, so not only because the pursuit of running to meet the needs but continue to ignore the quality and profesiohalisme, we certainly do not want so, we want quantity with quality and professionalism accompanied. What's the size? One size is related to the users, when we demand the refinement of the guide fee is still resistant to them, it means behind them pointed us first boost professionalism if it really already professional will be paid properly.
(VOYAGEINDO). If so, which should take precedence between guide fee and professionalism?
(Answer). I think professionalism first, of course to be a professional through the process, so if we are not yet professional so get guide fee that is not in accordance with expectations, we do not need to blame the other party, internalization we see below our members who ability is still dibwah we strive to improve with training and education.
(Voyageindo). As elected chairperson, what are the short-term, medium-term and long-term programs that have been planned?
(answer). For the short term, I will welcome a follow-up government policy in developing basic skills in the form of bimtek or training programs in order to up grading friends in areas in knowledge, skill and attitude, then follow up with certification program. For the medium term, we are waiting for whether tourism will actually be driven as core business by the government or not. If true, of course the strengthening of the organization becomes truly necessary. Strengthening the organization in the context that I am chairman of the organization will continue to improve the organizational marwah so that it is his hope that all senior friends with capacity, experts and intellectuals in this field of support can sit together to determine policies. So far we do not feel appreciated properly, so if we gather with fellow tourism actors "as if" we feel like denied. This concerns marwah indeed, maybe because our attributes are less cool, or maybe our brain content is also not so ... because so far our knowledge and experience is limited to the only course.
(Voyageindo) . Is it so long as it is felt?
(Answer). As HR in quotation marks "yes", ..... because they are mostly already level their characters ngomong tourism more widely ... about promotion and so on, so not in the box. While we, our knowledge and insight is still in the box .Therefore I once again want to improve this organization marwah. Although we are workers, but this is nobelium, I will encourage the guides to be a proud profession of nobel, do not we equated with other labor.
(Answer). Yes ... by increasing professionalism and of course when it is professional would be expected to impact on improving welfare by demanding a decent guide fee according to standard, so no longer depend on ....... as it happens so far every guest brings always stuffing with shopping in the hope of getting a commission, this would be a bad image.
( Voyageindo ). Thats already a guide, if dont find money ?
. (Answer). Ha ... ha .... ha ,, (laugh together). It's okey, ...... but yes it's smoother-small ... do not be vulgar. So if the fee is feasible the possibility of such a thing does not happen again. If just to increase the income ... yes do not be so obvious. What is more important is how we are able to provide information about the beauty and beauty of this extraordinary country.