soft trekking in the village of ramang ramang
the village of kete kesu from the distance
the village of kambira
panorama of rice field in batu tumonga
I have been travelling to several region in indonesia, from kalimantan (borneo ), Molluque, Iraina jaya (papua ), Sumatera, java, bali,lombok and lesser sundas island,adonara and lembata etc.
but i feel that the best nature and the culture is located in my region south of sulawesie, specifically in the land of toraja. if you want to see beautiful of panorama you can go to toraja, you walk or treck in the mount of batutumonga, i though this is the best panorama of rice field in terrace. i have compared the rice field in jatiluwih bali or tegal alang, still i believe that toraja is different and better than in bali.
the culture.
i have seen the funeral in bali, this is good to see, but i would prefer to see funeral ceremony in tana toraja, this is the most fantastique and unforgetable experience that you will see real intact culture in indonesia.
holiday will not be the same if you dont visit tana toraja, south sulawesi, Indonesia.
5 different thing that you can see in toraja.
1.traditional house called tongkonan
2. grave, devided in 4 different type of grave, stone grave ( liang pa, ) baby grave ( liang pasilirian ) natural cave grave, and modern grave called patane.
3.funeral ceremony if you are lucky
4. trecking in rice field, rafting, you will never forget this experience. of buffalo and pig .
finally, i hope that you will visit toraja with me.
just feel free to drop me an email at
toraja tour, toraja tour review, arru toraja, torajan guide, guide in tana toraja, toraja tour forum, tour in toraja and sulawesi