Mr Stanislaus SANDARUPA
Funeral Cermony in Tana Toraja,South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Wooden Coffin in Tampangalo
as a tour Guide,i read his book entitled "life and Death" as source of information that we explain to the client. beside we learn the culture from Local people and Culturer like tandilinting. Dr Jeanine KOUBI from france etc.
before passed away, i have ever met him sereal time, i though he was so friendly to other tour guide who met him.
rest in peace, and thank you for the information that you have written in the book.
Born in the Toraja capital of Makale (Sulawesi, Indonesia), Sandarupa was fascinated by the Toraja language, especially its high register. His undergraduate studies in linguistics at Hasanuddin University (1982–87) under Indonesian linguist Salombe yielded a thesis examining Toraja afterlife beliefs embodied in ritual texts. Work as a tourist guide subsidized these studies, enhancing Sandarupa’s foreign language skills, and knowledge of local variation in myth and ritual. His 1984 booklet, Life and Death in Toraja, became the essential guidebook for cultural tourists visiting Toraja.
Sandarupa was the first person from Eastern Indonesia to receive a Fulbright Fellowship for graduate studies in the USA. From 1987 to 1989 he pursued a linguistics MA at the University of Chicago, writing a thesis entitled “Tropes, symbolism, rhetorical structure, structure of parallelism and ‘parallelism’ of structure in Toraja.”
After he spent several years back in Indonesia teaching and doing research at Hasanuddin University, a Ford Foundation fellowship enabled him to pursue his PhD at the University of Chicago (with Michael Silverstein as dissertation advisor). In his doctoral research, he analyzed Toraja ritual speech in increasingly rare traditional funerals. The Toyota Foundation funded his completion of the dissertation, “The Exemplary Center: Poetics and Politics of the Kingly Death Ritual Performance in Toraja South Sulawesi, Indonesia” (2004).
Sandarupa’s rich professional life entailed teaching, international research collaborations, government work, and managing his family businesses (a travel agency and ecofriendly restaurant). He authored numerous articles for Indonesian social science journals and several international journals. His English language works include The Toraja Ricebarn (1996), coauthored with Nigel Barley; “The Poetry of Taking Power in Toraja, Indonesia” (2013); and “‘The Voice of a Child’: Constructing a Moral Community through Retteng Poetic Argumentation in Toraja” (2016). He also translated Toraja texts for Songs from the Thrice-blooded Land: Ritual music of the Toraja (2009) by Dana Rappoport. His wide-ranging collaborations included a coauthored publication on Toraja childcare/sudden infant death syndrome with neuroscientist Toke Hoppenbrouwers.
Sandarupa was featured in several BBC and Fox documentaries about Toraja culture and spearheaded Indonesia’s nomination of Toraja settlements for UNESCO World Heritage Site status. In recent years, Sandarupa wrote numerous articles in national newspapers, bringing ideas from semiotics to bear on current events in Indonesia.
As his reputation as a leading Toraja intellectual grew, Sandarupa’s administrative duties expanded exponentially. In 2014, he became Hasanuddin University’s head of cultural research and, soon thereafter, also assumed leadership of its respected linguistics doctoral program, all while teaching, mentoring students, and running businesses.
All who knew him miss his lively intelligence, gentle wit and warm hospitality. The loss is especially acute for Torajans, who considered him their “cultural caretaker.” Surviving him are his wife, Katrin, four children (Gabriella, Dirk, Stanley Fulbright, and Frank Ello) and several grandchildren. (Kathleen M. Adams and Liz Coville)
Life and Death of the Toraja People
The Exemplary Center: Poetics and Politics of the Kingly Death Ritual in Toraja South Sulawesi Indonesia
The Poetry of Taking Power in Toraja Indonesia
Heterogeneity in Torajan Ritual Speech: Metalinguistic Awareness and the Nation’s Character Building
The development of the circadian heart rate rhythm (CHR) in Asian infants
T Hoppenbrouwers, F Oliveira, S Sandarupa, M Khoo, M Neuman, ...
Early human development
S Sandarupa, H Hasyim, RSM Assegaf, EK Fransisca
Laporan Penelitian Struktur Pragmatik Bahasa Ritus Puitik Toraja Metafor, Metonim, simbolisme, paralelisme, dan pemikiran dualisme
Hembusan Kabar Gembira Mengarahkan Credit Union Sauan Sibarrung Sebagai Gerakan Pemberdayaan
Implicit Meta-Talk and Collaborative Creativity Inperformance: Torajan Poetics and Politics
The Development of the circadian heart rate rhytm (CDR) in Asian infants
T Hoppenbrouwers, FM Oliveira, S Sandarupa, MC Khoo, M Neuman, ...
Ritual Kematian Tanpa Mayat, Kanibalisme Budaya dan Pariwisata
Modifiable SIDS risk factors and SIDS in Toraja, Indonesia
TT Hoppenbrouwers, S Sandarupa, J Hodgman, TG Keens
Kemelayuan Indonesia dan Malaysia Bahasa, Sastra, Media, Globalisasi, dan Agama
Editor Kemelayuan Indonesia dan Malaysia Bahasa, Sastra, Media, Globalisasi, dan Agama
Jangan Ekspor Asap: Bivalensi dan Identitas Nasional
Editor Kemelayuan Indonesia dan Malaysia Sejarah dan Sejarah Maritim, Sosial-Politik, dan Ekonomi
The Exemplary Center: Poetics and Politics of the Kingly Death Ritual Practice in Toraja South Sulawesi Indonesia
University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology