The village of kete kesu
Panorama from the village of TINIMBAYO
stone grave in lemo
Londa, naural Cave Grave
Dear All visitors,
Welcome back to my simple blog, the place where we write some words.
This time toraja tour guide would share little information about some interesting place where you can visit. This time i will put the code of the star, as follow :
1 star = Ok
2 star = Good
3 star = excelent
4 star = Trully excelent.
1. Kete Kesu ****
This village is located at 5 Km from rantepao, this village is beautiful to this village i will the score 4 star, because the beauty of the village and complete place as you can see several modern grave, wooden coffin hung in the hill and natural cave grave. It means that just one place you have visited 4 different place. Which means that if you visit the village of kete kesu, you have visited the village of tampang allo or londa, the village of karuaya, the modern grave in every village.
2. Londa ***
This natural cave grave trully need to be visited because the unique and beauty of this place. Londa is the only natural cave grave which still used until now. The culture and tradition still live in this village, the culture live on this village. You can see 4 natural grave, in the highest cave is used to burry high noble, and in the midle for midle class, while ine the cave down right and left side where you can get inside by the lamp is for the normal class.dont forget to hear the story of Romeo and juliette in the cave.
3. Lemo ***
In every brochure of the travel agent, you will find the picture of this stone grave, this is the best view of stone grave, but you just see stone grave, this is not the complete village but you can see the best of stone grave.
4. Suaya **
Suaya is the royal king stone grave,you just need to walk from the parking area for 3 minutes, not far can see tau tau or wooden statue as symbol of high noble. But compared with lemo i would prefer lemo.
5. Tampang alo **
This natural cave grave is like londa, but this natural cave grave is not the best. To visit this place you don’t need a lamp
6. Kambira *
Baby grave in living tree trunc. Very interesting to hear the story the baby grave.
7. Palawa *
This village is like kete kesu, but you just can see the traditional house and some souveneer shop.
8. Tinimbayo **
The best panorama of the rice field in terrace
9. Batutumonga **
The panorama of the rice field is also fantastique from this place