Momentum of the 8th Annual Meeting DPD HPI DPD on March 25, 2019
Congratulations to Mr. Burhanuddin Beddu, S.Pd who has been
elected as Chair of the South Sulawesi Indonesian Tour Guide Association for the period of
2019-2024 continues the mandate of the last head of Tour Guide association Mr. Suhardi, S.Pd
Hopefully in the future HPI will be more successful!
It has been the second period that Mr Suhardi, S.Pd as Chairman of the DPD HPI Sul-Sel. His lunge in managing the ark of HPI in South Sulawesi cannot be doubted. Two periods served as the number 1 person as head of Hpi ( indonesian tour guide association ) evidence that he could be considered respected and trusted by a tour guide in South Sulawesi.
Monday, March 25, 2019, was a judicial day for him during his 5 years of leadership. Hotel Wisata is a silent witness of the last seconds of the owner of Hardi Tours passing the beautiful throne of HPI Sul-Sel.
Opening MUSDA HPI Sul-VII VIII was opened with 4 Ethnic Dance (Makassar, Bugis, Mandar, and Toraja). The enthusiasm of the participants who reached almost more than 90 people increased along with the dance movements of the dancers and accompaniment of regional songs from each ethnic group. Even the participants sang along with the dancers. The 5-year event was also attended by tourism industry stakeholders, such as the Head of the South Sulawesi Province Culture and Tourism Office, Head of the Makassar City Culture and Tourism Office, Chair of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI), ASITA Chair, tourism school directors in Makassar, and did not forget the Chairperson of the HPI DPP Sang Putu Subaya, SH., MH. Those present were given the opportunity to give a one-to-one remarks, including the Chairperson of the Musda Executive Committee, Chair of the DPD HPI Sul-Sel, Chairperson of the HPI DPP, and the Head of the South Sulawesi Province Culture and Tourism Service.